Crew for AHTS DP2 Vessel

Job Description

We're looking for:
- Master (min 24 months on the AHTS Vessel on the same rank) - 400 USD per day, 120on/90off
- Chief Mate (min 24 months on the AHTS Vessel on the same rank) - 350 USD per day, 120on/90off
- 2nd Mate (min. 12 months on DP Vessels on DP Log Book) - 200 USD per day, 120on/90off
- Chief Engineer (min 24 months on the AHTS Vessel on the same rank) - 350 USD per day, 120on/90off
- 2nd Engineer (1 year on DP Vessels) - 150 USD per day, 120on/90off
- ETO (2 years on DP Vessels) - 175 USD per day, 120on/90off